This cylinder was the start of the crate i designed within maya.

During the process of making this high poly crate i mostly used squares to make the plank panels of the crate, aswell as using a cylinder. Cutting the cylinder down so it is only 1 face of a quarter circle. Doing this i was able to extrude the face out to make the shape for the handle of the crate. Originally i ran in to some issues with getting the face of the cylinder sorted as my pivot point was not center and when extruding it was going in unusual directions and twisting round on itself.

This crate face has structure lines for when using the smoothing in maya, it doesnt concave in to itself.

Making the crates other face was as simple as duplicating it. However making the other sides i duplicated this original face, and then deleted the handle plank. To fill in the gap i had to duplicate one of the other planks to fill the gap and aligning it in to place. I had an issue with this originally where i duplicated the whole face again instead of the single plank.

When it came to finishing up, i rendered the crate out, however saving my file caused it to crash and corrupt my saves i previously had, I will be recreating this crate to then make a low poly crate.