My top down shooter clone project was created within unity like the previous 2 games i have made. All assets are designed and created by me along with any menus. I Ran in to a couple of issues along the way while designing the game. For example when i was pushing further than the tutorials and guides showed to make the game i was making a health feature for the enemy.

Along with this health script i made another 2 scripts that wernt in the brief such as a auto spawning script of the enemy.

This script gets assigned to a blank object, to spawn a prefab on a timeperiod cooldown.
I also made menues for the game, such as a controls menu aswell as game over menus for when the player dies.

These are the 3 main menus for the game, the start menu, A game over menu and a controles menu.

The game interface is very basic, it has 5 main entitys. The player, Basic enemy, tough enemy, Rocks and holes in the floor. Then there is a kill counter in the top left that updates when the player kills an enemy type.