As one of the 10 assets i had chose a pestle. I thought with the theme this could help tie in the aspect of fantasy being a witches item or something used for forms of botanical, magical and maybe other aspects of a fantasy realm that might not be considered quite so normal.

While going through different designs of pestles and mortars i had made two variants and documented one as i went along.

The mortar was designed from a simple cylinder from the start, and used mostly extruding tool to help design the shape of the pestle.

Flattening the cylinder allowed to make a flat base and something to work with. Grabbing the faces of the squashed cylinder i altered the offset to 0.2 to bring the faces closer together then lifted them up to a height i was happy with. This would act as the mortars base.

Once the base was established i extruded an additional 4 times to make the bowl of the morter altering the offset outwards to make the bowl larger again. Extruding directly up would allow the bowl to have a lip to it and more depth then altering the inner offset again will allow me to drag it down to make the inner of the bowl.

The inner offset had to be ajusted so it didnt clip on the outside of the model.

Applying a smooth effect to the model allowed the mortar to assume a more proper shape without jagged edges. I ended up choosing the other design as my final render however and textured that one.

Through texturing i went through Substance Painter and applied several layers to the model. One being a basic concrete texture then over that i applied a grey fill layer with a black mask applying a grunge to it giving the model some texture. I altered the height on this slightly so the spots within the concrete looked like imperfections or blemishing.