For the next two assets i explored a witch, wizard and magic side of a fantasy world, this would lead to me making a ball on a pedastol. This design was inspited from the lord of the rings the two towers movie, where the tower of isengard would give me a rough idea of a base pedastol and the palantir (ball sauroman interacts with) would be in the middle.

While this gave me the idea of making the pedasol i wouldnt design my asset based off this entirely, i saw to much detail for a pedastol and the base would look to simple, as for the top of the of the pedastol i wnated the holder to grip on to the ball a bit more to encase it, securing it so it wouldn’t fall.

This model used a lot of extruding and moving verities around to help structure it while it started from a cylinder. Once i had extruded upwards i used the weld tool to merge some edges together to cause them to slope inwards at the top.

The other asset would be a type of key, with an intriguing design to give the feeling of unnatural and outer worldly, as if to belong to a person of either higher power or obscene magic.

This key would give me the design ideas for the back end of it being full of curves and a large design for it to have more detail and a sense of personality to the key.

The head of my key would also have a curvey unique design to help emphisise the feel of a magical key as it would bind to a magic fantasy lock. The key would be mostly made of steel and brass with some lighter metallic weld joins to connect the seperate parts of the key together.