My next post would stray away from magic and more into an old nordic language called the elder futhark, this would lead to me designing some rune stones as my asset.

The three runes i would be using would be:
The three of these all have different meanings and different uses, however this wouldn’t affect my asset. They were the three i wanted to design.

As for making the tablets, it would be a simple matter of extruding a cube upwards a little bit so i had a total of 6 verticies on the left and right i could manipulate to widen the shape to give a more stone look. Once i had a width i was happy with i would add the structure lines and bevel the edges to give it a rounder look before smoothing it off.

Texturing this asset would be where all the detail came from on this. I would apply several layers, the base layer being a smart material i would apply more grunges and textures on top of for more depth and style. This would include a grunge for some lighter stone showing, and the engravement itself altering the height downwards so it had been carved in.