With unreal i chose to do a simple but streamlined first person shooter arena with multiple floors however i ran in to a couple of issue while using the program. The main one being i couldnt figure out how to shape a room to be rounded rather than blocky. This didnt overly bother me due to it being an early block out.

Concept sketch of the level and how it would function

The level was originally drawn out to have several stariways to get to the lower level for some flanking and faster paced gameplay as the idea behind this arena would be for a first person shooter with multiple options for playable objectives which can make use of the maps design in different ways.

Overhead View of the level without a roof.

The level itself has 5 main rooms. Two upper floors, Two lower floors and a centeral hub which can connect them all together. The central hub would be a rounded room while the other rooms would be a combination of rounded and squared off in certain corners of the rooms. The coridors would be rounded into the rooms rather than the sharp 90 degree corners they are but due to the complication of not knowing how to figure it out i couldnt achive this in the early blockout.

Each of the 3 figure screenshots show different parts of t he maps design. figure 1 Showing a way down to the bottom floor from the top with a drop down where as two and three show the design and shape of the other rooms and what they are like. Fig 3 having the stairs up and down to the other rooms which could be a defensive spot for a hold the flag or king of the hill scenario.