Everything used in the level With Written Example:

Assignment “check list”

Framing: Tower Weenie

Zig Zagging: The level is designed with some height variation and alternate routes aswell as turns in the main road to keep it from being straight

Back Tracking: Walking in the cave completeing the objective then heading back out the cave down the main road

Contrasting Space: Variation in the height and width of the road and tunnels aswell as the cave being tighter than the road

Height variation: The level is a landscape with huge variations for mountains and then more variations in the surface the player walks

Weenees/Landmarks: The Canyon, The Tower, The Wall

Affordanced/Denying Affordances: Path up to the tower, Route of the cave, Generator in the cave has a ladder and will be denied in the final version

Breaking from the grid: The level is a landscape and nothign is places so it lines up except within the cave for a street or road like environment


Game of Thrones (2011), Directed by David Benioff, D B Weis. Written by George R. R Martin [TV Programme] HBO, April 17th

How designers silently tell you what to do? – Affordances and Signifiers – Game Design Theory (2018), Directed by Game Design with Michael [Youtube], Jan 28th

Super Simple TRICK for making Better Levels – Game Design Theory (2018), Directed by Game Design with Michael [Youtube], Aug 19th

Frost Punk (2018) Developer 11 Bit Studios, Designer Jakub Stolaski, [Game] April 24th

Taylor, Dan (2018) Ten Principles for Good Level Design. [Youtube] Feb 9th